Friday, November 21, 2014


Words , they are simply sounds that we make by blowing air out of our lungs and through our vocal folds. We shape sounds using our tongue, lips and teeth. To an outsider these might be just considered sounds. It isn't until we add a personal or general definition to them that they are give meaning or power.

I believe that in a way a word might have both a general meaning and a personal meaning that everyone has. For example if we take the word punk one could define the word to mean a worthless person or one could define it as a loud fast-moving and aggressive form of rock music. When some think of the word punk they might conjure images of loud teenagers who have strayed away from the right path and have chosen to adopt a satanic lifestyle. Others when thinking of the word punk might think of young men and women who have chosen to be different and not in a bad way. They might think of brave young people who have found a way to express their emotions through music. My whole point is a word carries different feelings, emotions, and meanings to different people. As was said in class I might not think much of the word b***h when I say it but to someone else it might mean something. While when I think of the word I might think of someone who is chickening out of something another person might think of women being oppressed. Though I might not mean it that way that is how some people might take it.

Should I be aloud to say whatever I want if I do not mean offence to anyone? Should words that carry vicious hate with them in the ears of others be silenced? What if they're only said amongst people who do not take offence?


  1. I think we should express ourselves using the words we see fit, however to be a decent human being and one of moral upholding you should take into consideration other peoples feelings. A word might not be meant as something mean and hateful but if that's the sort of impact a word carries, you should refrain from using it altogether. what we do in private becomes habit and will eventually come out in public. Besides our character is who we truly are when no one is watching. If you don't mean any harm by the words but you say them around your friends you are still saying them and it still has the same history behind it.

  2. Being able to speak your mind is one of the great things about the U.S. however I believe that respecting other people is necessary in any society even when it comes to saying or not saying certain words. The N-word for example, my boyfriend and my brother both use it often as terms of endearment or when describing some person that they think are stupid. I however can not get past the original use of the word or the fact that it was used to discriminate against people of color. Just because you say something and don't purposely mean to offend someone doesn't mean that they will not be offended. So to sum up, if you're going to use words that are possibly offensive, then make sure the company you use them with understand where you are coming from and what your meaning/intention is so that everyone is on the same page.

  3. You will always be free to speak your mind. Our constitution gives us the right to speech. HOWEVER, just because you can talk about whatever you want should you? I'm a firm believer in there is a time and place for everything. If you're among a bunch of Jews you wouldn't start ranting how you thought what the Natzis did was right. Having the freedom of speech is a great power and with great power comes great responsibility. It is very important for everyone to have an open mind. Just because you say something that is not offensive does not mean that it is not offensive to anyone. You have the right to speech. Use it carefully.

  4. I think that the freedom of speech is a great thing. I like the fact that we can say whatever is on our mind without asking for permission. However, I think that words have more power than actions. Although that may sound silly, but words can actually have a strong affect on a person. I think that anyone should always put people's feelings into consideration before they speak.
