Capitalism is still for some reason seen as a plausible way
of governing a country. This fact just astounds me, yes it makes sense that
people may work more efficient, but humans are living beings that have needs
and deserve to be respected and the fact that people have to work to live and
live to work doesn't seem like a form of respect towards us as humans. At some
point, like discussed in class today, a group of proletariats will decide to
rise up and go against the bourgeoisie. Once the proletariat figure out that
they are the majority, and that they outnumber the bourgeoisie a revolution can
begin to form. After being in capitalism for a long time, people begin to turn
back into animals. This is shown in Marxs third point of the alienation of
workers when the worker is alienated from his/her species being. A worker
starts to feel less like a human when they work because they are being forced
to work and it becomes involuntary and becomes a part of life that has to be
done and is no longer enjoyed. Then the activities that make a proletariat feel
more like a human are those of an animal, and have a lower pleasure but are
done just because they have nothing else to do that is pleasurable. A rise up
of the proletariat would be easy and well deserved due to the fact they have
been abused and worked hard, and gotten little in return for what they have
done, and deserve. They work harder than the bourgeoisie, while the bourgeoisie
reap all of the rewards that the workers make. I see this whole thing as an
unfair treatment towards the hard working lower class of people in these
countries, and a revolution would be a great way to fix these problems.
I agree with this so much. People are literally being worked to death in America. Companies are treating their employees like scum with lack of benefits and low pay, and they're already rising up against it. It's not making a difference now, but I believe that in the future capitalism will fall. I don't believe that communism is exactly the best way to fix these issues, but capitalism just isn't working. Years from now when I'm gone and even my grandchildren are gone, I believe there will be a serious uprising against the way they're being treated.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with this faulting of capitalism. While I will not deny that capitalism isn't perfect, for the most part it works pretty well. People are definitely not starting to act like animals, that's for sure. Animals only care about the basics, food and survival. Humans care more for the little pleasures in life more than ever. We can't take a few sparse examples of the rich abusing their wealth and throw all of them into the same basket. That would be like assuming all priests are pedophiles because an extremely small percentage of them are. These days people make too many assumptions based on small examples. Capitalism isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteIf you treat people like animals they will behave like animals. Studies in rats have shown that the more you crowd them together the more stressed they become and more likely they are to lash out in anger against each other. This concept was proven to be true in overcrowded prisons and the same can be applied to tightly packed workspaces. People are must not be poked and prodded back into an aggressive animalistic state. We require: proper work conditions, appropriate hours/pay , and above all respect. Capitalism can and has led to the exploitation of many workers and it must me stopped.