Friday, November 7, 2014

Marx and Modern Society

Many people struggle against Marx and his ideas in common society mainly in the U.S. due to propaganda and largely the exploitative political parties that run this country. Communism has been painted as something that is evil and dirty and has been made a straw man of countless times. Karl Marx would probably say it has been an effective tool in keeping down the proletariat. As opposed to Marx’s sudden dictatorship of the proletariat it seems in most countries in the western world have been working towards a slow crawl to Marx’s ideals. Technology is allowing many people to do what they want and make a living off of it and not working for the sake of that living itself. The internet is one of the strongest drivers of this. Technology is also necessitating a move towards a more communistic society as less and less jobs are available due to automation in factories eliminating the need for labor and moving towards an environment that values people strictly for their ideas. Progressive ideas such as single payer health care and a universal basic income will allow people to work for the sake of activity itself like Marx believes separates us from animals. People will eventually not have to work to eat or to have health care. It is sad so much of the United States strongly pushes against this due to ignorance and having been misled. The bourgeoisie truly do have a firm grip on the proletariat of the United States. Marx along with Nietzsche is arguably one of the most mischaracterized philosophers ever. It is unfortunate he has been slandered by the U.S. and faced such mischaracterizations such as Cuba, USSR and China. Marx himself simply went against the grain at the time and still does though less so. He proposed ideas that when looked at truthfully are readily apparent. The workers are abused by capitalism all for the benefit of the few although this has become less obvious in modern times. One day these abuses will become visible to all and capitalism will be thrown aside for the future.

1 comment:

  1. To me, communism is not "evil". The unfortunate but true fact of the matter is that no system will ever be perfect for everybody. Let's look at the mission statement of communism: From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. On the surface this seems perfectly fine, right? In fact the biggest flaw in this system is that it puts a cap on your earning potential. In America, a person can come from nothing and have one bright idea and be able to expand their brand as far as they want. Quite literally, some of those we might think of as bourgeoisie, started as proletariat. In communism, you can stay up all night and day, work as much as you want but at the end of it all you will earn what the government allows you to earn. The reason that communism has not been adopted in the U.S. is not because we view it as evil, it is because people in this country want to be rich one day, and unfortunately for that to happen some of us have to start at the bottom. Like I said no system is perfect.
