Friday, November 7, 2014

This week in class, we discussed Karl Marx and his criticisms of capitalism. While I acknowledge that every system has its faults, I disagree with Marx, in that I believe that capitalism is the best option for running a society (as opposed to communism).
First, to address Marx’s proposition that distribution is inversely proportional to contribution: yes, there is a glaring uneven distribution of wealth in this country—but it will always be an economic reality that the skills of some outweigh the skills of others in terms of value. For instance, take a heart surgeon versus a fast food worker. There are a very few number of individuals that can perform what a heart surgeon can (as it takes countless years of education and hard work to get to that position), as opposed to a fast food worker (where most people can probably do the job). Therefore, the heart specialist will earn more, as their skills are in higher demand. Yes, the fast food worker may work equally as hard, but because more people can do this job, they will be paid less.  It is a harsh reality, but for progress to be made in a society, things must work this way. If not, there would be no incentive for productivity.

Secondly, the argument that the rich get richer and poor get poorer is true to some extent, but it is far worse in countries that adopt a more socialist economic policy. Take a look at Cuba, Russia, or North Korea for examples of this failed system. 


  1. I agree with you on your point about wealth distribution, the gap of the income between a surgeon and a fast worker should be huge. Like you said (as well as Marx), fastfood workers and the likes are easily replaced, and don't really have room to complain about wages (while surgeons should be making a comfortable wage and have no reason to complain). I think this is a fine system, because the alternative that Marx provides simply won't work in a huge society. Factors such as greed, laziness, being selfish, etc are all common in our society today, and go against communism principles of "From each according to his abilities, and to each according to his needs." As you said, there would be no incentive for productivity in a society like that.

  2. Well I would say that that neither is the best system and that there is possibly another option for a better economy. Some people like movie stars or artists make so much money that their great grandchildren could do nothing and live off of their money. How is that fair to the lady that has to work three jobs to keep her kids in college? It's moments like these where people do not feel guilty about pirating music off the internet.

    Please Note: Opinions above do not necessarily reflect my own. I'm merely trying to stir the pot.
