Friday, September 5, 2014

Plato's Republic - invisibility ring discussion

"Is it more profitable to be just or unjust?" In class on Wednesday, we had a discussion about what we would do if we were presented with the invisibility ring discussed in the book. A lot of people in class did not get a chance to participate (whether it was because of time constraints, shyness, or any other excuse), so I would like to discuss this question again but this time emphasizing on profitability. When I was asked by Dr. Johnson, I responded that I would commit crimes (more specifically, rob a bank) simply because without worrying about tying a name to a face (since we are invisible in this scenario), it is very profitable. Others in the class responded saying they would do nothing and just go about their day, which seems strange. I understand that there is personal guilt along with moral and religious issues involved when committing crimes, but I believe that everyone reading this would commit some kind of crime (small or large) if presented with the ring. If there are no consequences to our actions (robbing a bank while invisible for example), a lot of people would do it because it is profitable. We make decisions that are in our best interest for survival, so if presented with the chance to get away with crimes we would probably take it.

Glaucon asks, "what is justice and where did it come from?" One of the reasons we act "just" is because we are afraid of punishment or we are seeking rewards for being "just." I agree that it is more profitable to be unjust because if we were not punished for doing bad deeds, we would do them. What would you do with the invisibility ring? Regardless of what you choose to do with the invisibility ring, do you think that the unjust life is more profitable than the just?


  1. I believe that if presented with the ring I would likely commit crimes but I would only commit those that damaged anyone in particular too much. I would not wish to cause anybody any kind of serious discomfort. I believe my actions would be described as selfish but not as cruel or evil. I believe that most people are selfish (some more than others) but I also think that most would not intentionally seriously damage anyone unless otherwise motivated.

  2. I completely agree with you. It in human nature to want to be profit seeking. If presented with the ring I would do exactly as you and commit crimes to make life more comfortable. Adding to our human nature, I also believe that when our needs are met and we are in OUR state of comfort we tend to start giving back. When I say OUR state of comfort, everyone's state of comfort is different. For some, it may be the flashy life style with exotic cars, a nice house and other expensive material things. For others, it s roof over their head, love, and food on the table. No matter which, once the comfort level is met, I believe self actualization starts and we begin to see that its time to give back .
