I honestly don't fully understand the concept but I am slowly getting it. What I am about to say is solely based on what I understand so far and I will try to reiterate it into my own perspective.
What I can say is that no matter the consequences a good will's intentions can never be compromised. If the urge to do something beneficial to others in purely from the heart then; the outcomes can not compromise that goodness. For instance, there was a time in high school that I brought treats for my Spanish class. Unfortunately, one of the students came severely close to having an allegiance reaction. On the bright side, however, the crisis was avoided. However, even if that student suffered from the treat my good will remained in tact.
Good will motivated me to feed my peers, and I thought it to be a rational notion. My telos, no matter the outcome was to be friendly. This goes to say that when ever someone is being genuinely kind, and everyone doesn't benefit in the way you intended, it does not lessen the goodness of your actions. One can't always satisfy all, but the attempt to do so is good will in its own.
I agree very wholeheartedly with your comment regarding good will being unaffected by an unforeseeable and uncontrollable result. If I give a homeless guy new clothes, a hot meal, and help him find a job for all the right and rational reasons, then my gifts wouldn't mean any less if he turned right back around and got hit by a truck. That's just life. I didn't cause the truck to hit him, nor did I intend for him to get hit. My gifts didn't doom him to getting hit by a truck. It just so happened to be a coincidence. That doesn't make me a horrible vindictive sadistic person. I'm still good for helping a homeless man.