Friday, September 5, 2014

Fear of the Law

If you gave a just and unjust person the freedom to commit a crime that benefits them, and comes without facing the consequences the just person would be as guilty as the unjust person.The just person would be more inclined to do wrong if there were no consequences attached to the wrong action.  Both parties have the same amount of freedom, and both of them will use it in which ever way they see it fit as their form of justice. The justice they both agree on is the justice that benefits their life style in the long run. They will both do wrong if the consequences are not enforced. They will do the crime continuously if they do not have to suffer the results of their wrong actions. The just person would in regular lawful justice no commit the crime for fear of getting punished. The unjust person would see the wrong action as a way out of the injustice situation the circumstances has put him in. The unjust person would take the risk over the current state of living he currently  presides  in.The lawful justice is being unfair to the unjust person, so he takes things into his own hands and breaks the rules to better his life. Where as the just person fears the law, and would rather continue to follow the law then face the consequences of breaking the laws.If the just person had a morality conflict going on in his/her head rather then the fear of the law, he/she would concur with the lawful choice because they would not be able to bear with the guilt or remorse of having broken a law. Both parties do what they think is right, and they choose what they think will make them happy or to have a happy life. An unjust person does not choose to do wrong by nature. An unjust person chooses to do wrong when the superior power allows them to have certain amount of freedom, wealth or when their way of life is not satisfying enough. The unjust person is formed by the circumstances and hard choices of life. The unjust person forms the ability to retain the guilt of committing a crime or breaking the law. Fear is used to make people follow the law. It is only broken when the person has no fear of the law, or can come to terms with the guilt of doing wrong to better their life.

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