Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Difference Principle

The Difference Principle looks like a very fair guideline to help those who are less fortunate socioeconomically than others. It states that whatever inequalities exist should benefit the least advantaged people. It's been shown, however, that once people are in a lesser position of well being, no matter how much help they are given it can be almost impossible to change that position. The most readily available example is Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, which he began in the 60's and of which many programs are still active. In the fifty plus years since the inception off these programs the poverty numbers in America have not improved whatsoever. The impact has been almost nonexistent. This proves that in the dog eat dog world of capitalism the more fortunate will always rise to the top at the expense of the less fortunate.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that in certain cases the difference principle is necessary. However seeing as it has been ineffective on the whole, I think it is important for our society to devise new ways to help poverty in America.
